Faculty » Administration



Krista Bella

Krista Bella, Principal

My educational experience at Lockhurst Drive began as a first-grade student a very long time ago. When I was working on getting my teaching credentials, Lockhurst Drive welcomed me back to complete my volunteer hours, and when I was eventually hired as a fifth grade teacher, I felt like I had come full circle. I taught at Lockhurst for years, both general and special education, and I was thrilled to have my own son attend here as well. After being in the classroom for fourteen years, I spent seven years working for the Division of Special Education as a Behavior Specialist. That position allowed me the unique opportunity to support schools in implementing school-wide positive behavior supports throughout LAUSD. Although I loved working with the school teams including students with disabilities and their families throughout Los Angeles, I really wanted to return to the school site and be a part of a school community again. As an Assistant Principal, Elementary Instruction Specialist, I enjoyed advocating for students with disabilities by working closely with staff and families to ensure students have the supports and services they need to be successful in the least restrictive environment. Here at Lockhurst, we have always valued inclusion and understanding the benefits of students learning from each other. As your principal I look forward to working with staff and families to ensure all our students continue to thrive.